
What your teeth are made of

What your teeth are made of

Dental health as we know it and from what our dentist’s tell us, we need to brush our teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes, floss and use mouthwash… Sounds easy enough doesn’t it! However there is so much more to a healthy mouth. We only really start to panic when problems occur with our teeth, so to help prevent these issues here are some facts about our teeth and how important it is to be familiar with them.


Have you ever wondered what our teeth are made of? Us to!



Or maybe you haven’t really thought about it because you always just assumed teeth were made of bones.


And you’d be forgiven for thinking so. After all, teeth are strong and white, just like bones. They also store calcium, just like bones. Seems obvious that they would be made of bone, right?


Well, once upon a time, we wondered what teeth were made of too. And just in case you were pondering the same question, we made sure we got all the answers you need right here.


If teeth and bones are different then what are bones made of?



Bones are mostly made up of two things; a framework of collagen, which is a protein. And calcium phosphate, which is a mineral.


Collagen gives the bones a soft framework but Calcium is what makes them hard and strong.


So, what are teeth made of?


Your teeth are enamel. You know that hard outer layer of your teeth? That’s enamel. And it’s made up of minerals like Calcium phosphate.


Enamel is harder than bones. It’s the hardest substance in your whole body, to be exact. It has no nerves. And unlike other parts of your body, enamel cannot regenerate. Nature has only gifted us with two sets of teeth and once they’re gone, they’re gone.


" Enamel is harder than bones. It’s the hardest substance in your whole body "

Directly under your enamel, there is a bone-like tissue known as Dentin – which makes up most of your teeth’s structure.


The soft core of your tooth is the pulp and it’s a living tissue that has nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue inside of it.


Are there any other differences apart from what they’re made of?


The biggest difference between the way teeth and bones function is how they heal.

If you break a bone, your body starts the healing process right away. But if you chip a tooth, you’ll need a dentist to repair it. In the same vein, if develop a cavity, new enamel won’t grow and fill the decayed area, you will need to see a dentist to have it treated.


" If you break a bone, your body starts the healing process right away. But if you chip a tooth, you’ll need a dentist to repair it "


This happens because enamel has no living tissue in it, so it can’t make a callus to heal itself.


And this is why having a good oral habits is so important.


How do I protect my teeth?

Keeping your teeth in good health doesn’t have to be a momentous task. Here are some quick and easy tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine to keep your teeth in tip-top condition. 👇


  • Brush your teeth for around 2 minutes at least twice a day
  • Use an electric toothbrush to optimise clean
  • Fluoride is super important so be sure to get a toothpaste that contains this ingredient
  • Make use of floss and interdental brushes
  • & visit your dentist regularly for check-ups.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of what your teeth are made of and how to care for them, learn more about the intricacies of your teeth by clicking here for more quick reads.

 Enlighten SmilesEnlighten Smiles

Enlighten Smiles is a leading teeth whitening brand offering safe, effective, and long-lasting results. They guarantee the brightest natural tooth color, VITA B1, without lifestyle changes. Enlighten also offers Duo Care Toothpastes for smile repair and protection. The Enlighten White Toothpaste removes stains for visibly whiter teeth, while the Enlighten Serum protects against plaque and reduces sensitivity. This combination helps you achieve and maintain a healthy, bright smile.


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