
When do babies get their first tooth?

When do babies get their first tooth?

Your baby getting their first tooth is an exciting time in your baby’s development. You’re beginning to get a sense of your baby’s personality and every so often they may be gifting you with smile or a laugh that warms your heart.


And it is probably during these bouts of smiles and laughter that you begin to notice little eruptions of their would-be teeth. So it is only natural to then wonder when your baby will get their first tooth.


When do babies start teething? 


Some babies are born with teeth. Some start teething before 4 months and others don’t show any signs of teething well into their first year. But for most babies teething begins around 6 months of age.


" For most babies teething begins around 6 months of age "


But not to panic if your baby is around this age and hasn’t yet started sprouting his/her teeth. Every baby is different and there is no exact expected time.


Which order do baby teeth appear in?


It’s not necessary that your baby’s teeth appear in any particular order but here’s a rough guide on how your baby’s teeth may emerge:


  • Bottom incisors (the bottom front teeth) are usually the first to come through

This usually happens anywhere between 6 to 12 months

  • Following shortly after the bottom incisors are the top incisors (top front teeth)

These are also known as central incisors and come in between 9 to 16 months

  • Next to come in are usually the top lateral incisors (either side of the top front teeth)

These come through at around 13 to 19 months

  • Bottom lateral incisors come in after this at around 10 to 16 months

You can find these teeth on either side of the bottom front teeth

  • Your baby’s first molars (the back teeth) will start to appear at around 17 to 23 months
  • Canines (which are towards the back of the mouth) come through around 18 to 24 months
  • Finally, your baby’s second molars will begin to show up around 25 to 33 months


It can be a helpful indicator to remember that most children have all of their milk teeth by the time they’re two and a half years old.


 What are the signs of teething?


It’s not essential that your baby even show signs of teething. Some babies develop teeth without showing any signs of discomfort or pain. But there may be times where you notice signs such as:


  • Your baby’s gum being sore and red where the tooth is beginning to come through
  • A flushed cheek
  • Your baby dribbling more than usual
  • Gnawing and chewing on things a lot
  • Ear rubbing
  • Your baby is more unsettled than usual

Things that could help your teething baby


  • Teething rings

Teething rings provide your baby with something to chew on safely. Depending on the type you get, you could put it in the fridge to cool first, which will help soothe your baby’s gums.

Do some research on the type of teething ring you want. And if you do opt for a fridge-safe one then remember to never put it in the freezer as it could damage your baby’s gums once frozen.


  • Raw Vegetables

If your baby is starting to chew more on his/her fingers, toys and other objects, then it can be helpful to give them something healthy to chew on. Raw fruit and vegetables are hard and safe enough to satisfy your baby’s urge to chew. Think pieces of apple or a small carrot stick.


  • Rubbing their gums

Clean your fingertip and very lightly massage your little one’s gums for a minute or two. It’s a widely recommended technique and the pressure is known to ease discomfort.

Practicing good oral hygiene will help reduce the risk of infection, cavities and other oral health problems for your baby whilst making teething that little bit easier for both you and your baby.



For more articles on all things teeth, click here.



Enlighten Smiles

   Enlighten Smiles


Enlighten Smiles is a leading teeth whitening brand offering safe, effective, and long-lasting results. They guarantee the brightest natural tooth color, VITA B1, without lifestyle changes. Enlighten also offers Duo Care Toothpastes for smile repair and protection. The Enlighten White Toothpaste removes stains for visibly whiter teeth, while the Enlighten Serum protects against plaque and reduces sensitivity. This combination helps you achieve and maintain a healthy, bright smile.

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